Sunday, July 1, 2012

What's in a Name

Cool hat, bro.  Considering you're reading this and not hearing either John or myself (Andriana) saying this, you're missing the sarcasm in which is short statement is drenched.  We don't think those flat billed, sports affiliated hats with the stickers still on them are cool.  Quite the contrary.  In fact, said hat is number one on the rather long "Douchebag Alert" list.  But, I'm getting carried away.  You'll slowly be introduced to both John and myself throughout the course of our blog postings, as well as the standard of awesomeness to which we hold not only ourselves, but everyone else in the world.

Our challenge to you, the reader, is to follow our blog, partake in our challenges, and become awesome.  Albeit not as awesome as either of us, because one cannot learn this level of awesomeness, they are born with it.  Do not be alarmed, mortal!  There is a graph charting "Levels of Awesome," even you can achieve lower levels of awesomeness.  It is our hope to rid the world of stupidity one person at a time, while making fun of them in the process. 

I digress.  There are too few words and not nearly enough time to exhaustively lay out the path we are destined to take.  All that can be promised is it will be full of adventures, sarcasm, and probably politics.


John and Andriana

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