Sunday, October 14, 2012

Top Ten Signs You're a Douche

The title says it all. Without further ado, enjoy the compilation.

Number 10: Wearing flat billed hats with manufacturers sticker not removed

Number 9: Having fake tans and over styled hair

Number 8: Wearing too much cologne 

Number 7: Being covered in pointless, distasteful tattoos, e.g. area code

Number 6: Wearing sports jersey’s on non-game days. There are some teams whose jersey’s should never be worn, e.g. Oakland Raiders.

Number 5: Wearing a watch but still checking the time on your phone. 

Number 4: Poorly hitting on uninterested girls

Number 3: Talking like you never had an education. 

Number 2: Drawing unnecessary attention to your less than fantastic vehicle.


Number 1: Driving lifted trucks not intended for use off roads.

Well folks, there you have it! I hope you enjoyed today's photo blog! We'll try to make posts more frequently!

John and Andriana

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Football Etiquette

 Football season is now officially upon us.  This is generally a very, very good thing, however there are a few drawbacks to football season as well (see above... Also, I'm so very sorry for burning your retinas with this photo, but we all know it was necessary to get the point across).  Being a resident of the great state of California (term used lightly), we have three professional teams from which to chose, not to mention the large number of D1 universities.  Even though this is the case, neither John nor I support a pro team from California and only John watches USC more passionately than a fat kid watching his cake get frosted.  Needless to say, there is a certain etiquette which is grossly ignored by most fans, but needs to be spelled out for those of you whose elevator doesn't quite reach the top floor.  (You're welcome).

1. Be a Raiders fan
2. Be a UCLA fan ("Filthy Bruins" -John)
3. Take off your shirt and paint your hairy chest
4. Be a cheese head
5. Drink Bud Light like its water
6. Kill the opponents fans (That means you, Oakland)
7. Fumble the football
8. Call a towel terrible, because quite frankly, towels are not terrifying or terrible (sorry Pittsburg... just kidding. We're not that empathetic.  Actually, we're not empathetic at all). If anything, they just like to get high (the towels...)
1. Agitate the drunks
2. Tailgate responsibly
3. Wear your teams jersey ONLY on game days
4. Get a hot dog
5. Hug the strange man next to you after your team scores the winning touch down
6. Follow your teams stats like teenage girls follow Justin Beiber on Twitter
7. Knock old ladies and small children out of your way whenever necessary
8. Make fun of people who know nothing of this wonderful sport (e.g. blondes, cheerleaders, and young children)
9. Make fun of Bruin fans, Raiders fans, Steelers fans, and Cheeseheads relentlessly

And always, make sure you have a designated driver.

Until the next time we grace you with more awesomeness,

John and Andriana

Friday, July 27, 2012

Rant of the Week: California Drivers

Southern California is notorious for sunshine, surf, and hot girls in bikini's.  To be honest, I (Andriana) moved here for the sun (Seattle does rain all the time, in case you didn't know).  It is a very enjoyable place to spend a day on the beach or at Disneyland, or simply people watching.  However, what many people fail to tell you is the situation we like to call FREEWAYS.

The cold hard truth you won't find in travel brochures is that years could be wasted sitting on any number of our dozens of interstates.  From the 405 to the 5, the 91 to the 101, all Southern California can be reduced to is a traffic jam.  An endless, painful, traffic jam.  This, however, is not the worst part. That is reserved solely for the obnoxious, flat billed hat wearing, rap music jamming, and quite often Asian, DRIVERS.  Red and yellow, black and white, they are disastrous in our sight.  We hate the California drivers of the world. 

John here, let me (a life-long California resident) explain.  Californians have an extremely short attention span.  They live in a state plagued with ADD and it is never more apparent than when driving. Anything happening on the side of the road is enough for people to slow down or stop in the road to stare at the problem. Do not underestimate my usage of the word anything.  There is not always a twelve car pileup with cars intertwined with one another creating one giant obstruction across five lanes.  Rather, after sitting in traffic for an hour or two (on an average day) it ends up being some car on the side of the road with a flat tire, a minor fender bender most likely caused by those drivers being distracted by something on the side of the road: a police officer writing tickets, or even some unidentifiable dust left in the road that probably fell off a work truck earlier in the day.  Let me give a piece of advice to you, California drivers. NOTHING is interesting enough to stop your car in a 65 mph zone, with thousands of drivers behind you.

It's Andriana again.  I would like to add one last thing concerning California drivers.  They're stupid.  They brake for no reason, cut off semi trucks to take the proper exit.  They flip all sorts of fingers out of their windows when you don't do what they want.  Finally, if you're a cute girl, I can assure you that you will be checked out by every person, many of them who have their own orbits, and hit on.  While driving.  It's worse than texting and driving.

Finally, some general tips on what not to do while driving:
* Make up (Honey, you won't look better when lip stick is smeared all over your face, also just because you cannot manage your time properly does not mean you can fix your aesthetic deficiencies at the risk of everyone else on the road) )
* Texting/phone calls (I hope you explain to the person you hit that it was really important that you didn’t hang up first)
* Eating some disgusting form of fast food (because let’s face it, you really didn’t need that Taco Bell.  Had you gone to the gym instead, I wouldn’t have to worry about you potentially causing an accident when that burrito falls into your lap)
* Flirting with the girl in the car next to you (come on, what pick up line will work at 70 mph?!)
* Reading (.....seriously?)
* Headbanging or dancing (Wayne's World is not going to make a comeback. I promise)

I ensure you there will be more rants concerning drivers and traffic.  It is hell on earth.

Thank you for not flipping us off,

John and Andriana

Sunday, July 1, 2012

What's in a Name

Cool hat, bro.  Considering you're reading this and not hearing either John or myself (Andriana) saying this, you're missing the sarcasm in which is short statement is drenched.  We don't think those flat billed, sports affiliated hats with the stickers still on them are cool.  Quite the contrary.  In fact, said hat is number one on the rather long "Douchebag Alert" list.  But, I'm getting carried away.  You'll slowly be introduced to both John and myself throughout the course of our blog postings, as well as the standard of awesomeness to which we hold not only ourselves, but everyone else in the world.

Our challenge to you, the reader, is to follow our blog, partake in our challenges, and become awesome.  Albeit not as awesome as either of us, because one cannot learn this level of awesomeness, they are born with it.  Do not be alarmed, mortal!  There is a graph charting "Levels of Awesome," even you can achieve lower levels of awesomeness.  It is our hope to rid the world of stupidity one person at a time, while making fun of them in the process. 

I digress.  There are too few words and not nearly enough time to exhaustively lay out the path we are destined to take.  All that can be promised is it will be full of adventures, sarcasm, and probably politics.


John and Andriana